It’s time to enjoy running your design business.

I’ll teach you how to create a business that’s efficient, profitable, & filled with clients you love.

  • I have had the best two years of business since working with Jeannie - financially, mentally, work/life balance wise, and in terms of the work we are producing.

    Carly M., Unpatterned

  • No better investment. My revenue is 70% higher than it was previously and I am a much more confident business owner.

    Liz T., Liz Tew Interiors

  • After working together for 15 months, my business more than tripled its revenue, and I trust myself and my intuition more than ever.

    Kathleen R., Kathleen Reynolds Interiors

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“All my designer friends would benefit from coaching with Jeannie.”

Coaching with Jeannie has dramatically changed the way I operate my design business. Prior to working together, I frequently undercharged for my services and avoided setting certain client expectations out of fear of being questioned or rejected, and it only left me frustrated and emotional about what I was asking for and what I desired. Working with Jeannie has brought me confidence in knowing the value I provide, the fees I charge, and has allowed me to communicate effectively when I onboard new clients and throughout the timeline of their project. When I used to fail to charge my worth, I am now landing my largest design clients to date and consistently attracting ideal ones. I’m thankful to have removed so much emotion from my decision-making, as this confidence has led me to elevating my business and serving my clients better than ever.

- Kathleen R.

Hi friend, I’m Jeannie!

Your no-BS business mentor/coach and the one that’ll help you run your business like a badass.

For a decade

I ran a recruiting business within a Fortune 100 company.

I had employees to manage and develop, Managing Directors who were counting on me and my team to deliver them recruits, and new recruits (who were independent contractors) who I was responsible for training and coaching.

I learned a lot about business, both from business vets I worked with, but also from making countless mistakes throughout the years and implementing better ways of doing things.

And now? I work alongside interior designers to teach them the business foundations necessary to attract desirable clients, efficiently manage their time, and confidently lead their businesses.

Work with me, and I promise you, you’ll stop feeling so alone.

Because while ridin’ solo is admirable…

it’s a lonely way to run a business.

Have a problem client? Need help pricing a project? Struggling with your design assistant?

Get clarity in your business with one 45-minute session.

Here’s My 3-Step System

  • 01. Start with the basics

    After coaching countless designers, I have a pretty good handle on the gaps between where designers shine and where they struggle. We’ll cover foundational business processes such as calendar and time management, respectable boundaries, and strategies for making more money.

  • 02. Sprinkle in my secrets

    Then, I’ll teach you some of my elevated business secrets, including phrases that will get any client to agree to your boundaries, simple strategies to break people-pleasing, and ways to manage your mind on your most chaotic days.

  • 03. Implement & Watch Your Business Transform

    Because you’ll be implementing what you learn in real-time, you’ll have already had business wins that you never thought were possible. Get ready to make more money and create more time for yourself outside of your work, because you are just one step away from making this all happen.

Simply put

I'll help you learn the secrets to running an effective and profitable business, so you can finally own a business that’s actually sustainable.

Get excited, because you’ve now got a director of business strategy on your team.

“Jeannie helped me become in charge of my own business.”

Alison B.

“Jeannie is a rockstar at processes, attracting desirable business and declining undesirable business.”

Becca J.

“The skills and coaching that Jeannie teaches are far different and more applicable than any business classes I have taken through my years.”

Michele F.

“Jeannie is so good at what she does. I don’t regret a penny I’ve spent on my biz with her.”

Carly M.

Snag my Confident Charging Guide and never undersell yourself again.

This is the exact framework I coach my clients through to help them charge their most desired design fees.

Steal my best Scripts, Tips, and Templates to decline undesirable business guilt-free.

these are true gold, and you’re welcome :)

Want a little more?

Check out the blog: how to decline undesirable biz without feeling like an a**hole.

so. many. helpful. tips.

“Jeannie has a gift to motivate designers to be their badass selves, and gives you the confidence to believe you and your business are worth the price.” Dominique B.


hate to play favorites, but…

interior designers are kinda my jam.

With the talent you intuitively possess (and that I certainly don’t) you deserve to be showing up IN and FOR your business without a shred of insecurity, and with my guidance, I’m excited for you to show yourself what's possible.

>>> more about me

Follow me on Instagram @jeannieandresen_